To provide insight into the extensive experience of our Principal Attorney, we've outlined below a selection of legal services he has rendered to clients:

Corporate & Commercial

M&A - Plantation Business

Representation of a publicly listed Malaysian company and its two Singapore-based subsidiaries in the acquisition of majority shares of two oil palm plantation companies located in Papua, with a total plantation area of 80,000 hectares, and the formation of a joint venture, followed by project financing of USD 64 Million.

Fundraising - Startup Company

Representation of an Indonesian group of companies in several series of fundraising of up to USD 8 million from various venture capital via equity fundraising or convertible notes transactions.

Financing - Mining & Energy Sector

Advising a Singaporean company in connection with up to SG$ 15,000,000 in financing to an Indonesian mining company.

M&A - Mining & Energy Sector

Advising a Malaysian entrepreneur in acquiring two Indonesian coal mining companies with a transaction value of USD 26 million.


Advising a Singaporean bank regarding USD 2.7 million financing to a Singaporean company whereby the guarantor for the said financing is an Indonesian individual.

Commercial Disputes / Litigation

Loan Dispute

Representation of an Indonesian taxi company in connection with a 33 billion Rupiah loan dispute against a prominent Indonesian bank in a district court.


Representation of two Indonesian transportation companies in arbitration proceedings in Indonesia involving a claim over 18 billion Rupiah.

Securities Investment Dispute

Representation of an Indonesian private investor against a securities investment company through civil litigation procedures concerning a forced sale of the client’s shares portfolio.

Bankruptcy Litigation

Advising on the winding up of a Singaporean-owned Indonesian company followed by filing a bankruptcy petition to the Court.

Enforcement of Security Right via District Court

Representation of an Indonesian leasing company in enforcing Hak Tanggungan (mortgage right) security in relation to IDR 89 billion debts.

Employment & Industrial Relations

End-to-End Employment Law Advisory

Advising an Indonesian group of companies in the preparation of employment agreements, company regulations, code of conduct, employment termination, and severance payment calculations.

Employment Termination in relation to M&A

Representation of an Indonesian individual (former bank owner) in a post-acquisition labor & employment dispute at the Supreme Court.

Employment Termination Advisory

Advising an international NGO regarding the termination of one of its employees in Indonesia.

Our Expertise

We have structured our practice into three (3) practice groups. Each practice group consists of related legal services to the practice. Click the practice below for further explanation regarding our practice areas.

Corporate & Commercial

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Commercial Disputes / Litigation

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Employment & Industrial Relations

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